Why do we blow out candles on our birthdays? - A deep insight into it

Ancient Greeks who took their cakes to Artemis placed candles on the cake because it made the cake look as if it was glowing like the moon. The Germans were good candle makers and started to make small candles for their cakes. Some Germans place a big candle in the centre to symbolize the ‘light of life’. Some say that the candles were placed for religious reasons.

The candles in the cake represent life, burning brightly for a short time and then snuffed out. The person blowing out the candles is saying, "This much of my life is over -- I'll never get it back, but I still have the breath of life within me and I am in control. I will blow away the past and start anew with this wish."

History of birthday celebration starts before the rise of Christianity. In some culture it is believed that on the birthday evil spirit visit .It is belief that by creating so much noise is such parties scarce away the spirits.

We blow candles every year when we celebrate our birthday. When we blow out our candles we are following actually a tradition or custom created by the ancient Greeks. In the Greek tradition on the sixth day of every month, the birthday of Goddess of the hunt is celebrated. The ancient Greek in her honor made a honey cake which is topped with burning candles. As they blow out each candle, the people make a wish from Goddess for a present. In the same way as we blow each candle on our birthday it means that we believed that all of our wishes will be granted.
Others believed that the smoke from fires would take their wishes up to heaven. Today many people make silent wishes as they blow out their candles. They believe that blowing out all the candles in one breath will bring good luck.

For kids Even if it's not their birthday they all like to blow out the candles. But what is this immense fascination with turning lit candles into unlit candles?
Is it a feeling of power? Is there some mythical lore at work here? I set out with the help and support of my crack team of researchers (okay, it was just me) to uncover the story behind this birthday candle-out-blowing thing As it turns out, it is believed by many that the Ancient Greeks (who lived in Ancient Greece) put candles on cakes to make them look like the moon.

Said cakes, adorned with candles, were then taken to and sacrificed at the Temple of Artemis the Goddess of the Moon. It was thought that the smoke from the candles carried their hopes and wishes skyward to the Gods.

"Sacrifice" and "Cake" are not terms most Americans would use in conjunction with one another.
Today apparently they've really streamlined the tradition. And much to everyone's relief we get to actually EAT the cake. These days you simply make a wish and blow out all the candles on the cake in one shot (1 candle for each year of your life).

Subsequent to blowing out said candles, the wish will come true and you will have good luck. If you tell somebody the wish it doesn't come true and you don't have good luck. I don't know why that should matter, but whatever.

Furthermore even if you get your wish and the good luck, it only lasts for a year. The next year you have to do it all again. And this time there's a whole 'another candle on the cake that you have to extinguish in one breath.

Your lungs are another year older but they have to work a little harder. Until one day I guess you're out of luck. That's the way the terms work. I didn't write them.

But the kids sure love it. And, come to think of it, I bet they like it so much because every day of the year we tell them not to play with fire, but on their birthday when they play with fire we sing them a song and applaud and give them presents and promise them their wishes will magically come true and they'll have good luck all year. We should really watch it with the mixed signals.

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